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The ion beam motion inside a storage ring is supposed to be stable and it is treated in linear approximation. BETACOOL code was developed in the frame of collaborations with different scientific centers. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia,.
JINR Summer Student Programme may become the first step towards a successful scientific career at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. We invite students and postgraduates to participate in the Summer Student Programme. Please apply untill 31 March 2018.
List of JINR WWW servers. Since October 8, 2004.
List of JINR WWW servers. Since October 8, 2004.
В Хакасии появился первый светофор, работающий от энергии солнца и ветра. На автомобильной дороге подъезда к п. Усть-Абакан на втором километре введен в эксплуатацию новый пешеходный переход, оснащенный светофором, работающим на энергии, полученной от ветрогенератора и солнечной батареи. В рамках реализации мероприятий федеральной целевой программы Повышение безопасности дорожного движения в 2013 2020 годах подведомственное Минтрансу Хакасии ГКУ РХ Хакасавтодор заключило государствен.
WITAMY SERDECZNIE NA NASZEJ STRONIE! Zapraszamy na spotkania grupy HIRG w roku ak. Zamieszczone tu ilustracje prezentują eksperymenty, w których aktualnie uczestniczymy. Kliknij ikonę, by zobaczyć obraz naturalnej wielkości. Schemat detektora STAR w Brookhaven National Laboratory. Schemat układu pomiarowego NICA w ZIBJ w Dubnej.
Skolēni gūst panākumus olimpiādēs un konkursos. Pavasarī skolēni savas zināšanas parāda mācību priekšmetu olimpiādēs un konkursos. Šonedēļ Nīcas vidusskola lepojas ar vairāku skolēnu panākumiem. Aizputes novada atklātajā krievu valodas olimpiādē 8. klases skolniece Ksenija Jansone ieguva 3. 37 bērniem Kurzemē nepieciešamas mājas.
NICA has partnered with the American Culinary Federation and we showcased this partnership at the 2017 ACF Cook, Craft, Create conference in Orlando this past July. NICA Education Conference Series Has JOINED the 2018 Catersource Conference and Tradeshow in Las Vegas. 2018 NICA US Nationals! Ice Carver Certification Program.
Нормативные акты по аккредитации образовательной деятельности. Прием документов на государственную аккредитацию образовательных организаций. Нормативные акты по аккредитации экспертов.
A Community Service Project in March 2010. DEPARTURE in T-MINUS 10 DAYS! We are preparing in mind, body and spirit and very excited for our upcoming adventure and contribution. Support the trip to Managua, Nicaragua in March 2010! Not unlike a Habitat for Humanity build living with a Nicaraguan family. For 10 days, seeing the sights of Managua.
Gathered on a cold windy March night in the parking lot of SDCH, a group of very excited teens and some possibly somewhat anxious parents said their goodbyes the time had come after a year of planning and anticipation, to begin our travels, into at that time, adventures yet unknown! As I was driving en route back to my home in Whitby, in our last snow storm of this winter, I mused on what a delight it had been to be able to acc.